Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sketching at Work - Trevor

So I am pretty sure I am not the only person that tends to slack off at work. Usually when this happens I just surf the net for pointless stuff. I decided that during these moments I should be more productive. So I decided to do some sketching. So here is a sketch I did of Trevor. I don't like how it turned out but I thought I would share it with everyone anyways. Sadly I can not do any naughty ones....I am at work after all. LOL


FancyLad said...

Definitely hot, but lacks a certain...Trevorishness???

I slack at work too, no worries =)

FMX said...

I know he just is not himself. LOL

JC said...

I KNOW man-- HATE not being able to draw cock at work... And they totally blocked most of the internet at my job, so I can't even surf during off time. I've resulted to drwing X-Men on postits. I oughta post those some day-- haha.

Meanwhile, great drawing. He looks like Trevor to me... like just waking up from a hangover maybe...

FMX said...

JC....I have full internet access but I would not risk doing anything that was inappropriate. But that is what I motley want to draw! LOL