Thursday, July 28, 2011

Chapter 2

The second part of the story line is where all the drama begins and secrets are reveled. Legacy and Andris finally admit their true feelings for each other. Sadly their new found relationship does not last long before tragedy strikes. The castle has unknowingly been infiltrated by the Wizards spies and henchmen. King Legion is also no longer the man that his son once remembered. Everyone’s lives are about to drastically change with the coming events.

Prince Legacy:

After a climatic even that occurs at the castle, the prince is taken away by his two Knights. The knights tell him to go as far away from the city as possible. They instruct him to not let anyone know who is truly is and to hide his hair for it is a feature that any one searching for him will use to find him. He sets off alone, afraid and not knowing where to go with only the clothes on his back and all the money the knights could give him. He fears that he will never be able to return or see the people he loves ever again.
In this arc of the story the reasons why the Wizard is so desperately seeking the Prince is revealed. The reason why the Wizard has had such a hard time achieving this and why someone who had such vast magical abilities has to send his minions to do his bidding is also answered. The truth of the Prince’s importance and who his mother the Queen truly was will also be touched upon.


After the major even Andris sets off to search for Prince Legacy. Andris has no idea where to begin his search and Legacy had no idea that Andris is searching for him. He is determined to find the Prince and keep him safe no matter the cost.
Andris will struggle with his need to find the Prince and his true feeling toward a new man that he has crossed paths with on his tireless search. More of Andris’s past is revealed and the real reason why he was caught breaking into the castle so many years ago will be exposed.

The Knights (Donovan & Grayson):

The two know that something is not right with the King but they cannot make any accusations. They must find out the truth of what’s going on without raising any suspicions about their knowledge. The Wizard has spies throughout the city. They are determined to save their kingdom and keep the prince safe at all costs.

The Dark Wizard:
The Dark Wizard will finally show himself in physical form. During the first part of the storyline he is seen as a shadowy figure or he is covered with a black cloak with his face covered. The story of his past will be told in more detail and the reasons why he is so obsessed with the prince, his true magical abilities and his limits on the magic he can wield. His secret of how he has been able to cheat death will be told toward the end of the storyline.

Barron: (introduced on next posting)

Barron sets off away from his hometown, the only place he has ever known, in search Prince Legacy. His journey becomes something more then he ever expected when we finds a group of Fire Dragons that are on the hunt for the prince as well.

****The telling of the plot line from this point on will be a bit vague. I do not want the revealed secrets, plot twists and such to be known at this time. I never know if I will ever actually write this storyline completely out but I do want to keep some of it secret just in case I ever do so. ****

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