Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Leather Man Commission

It is official!!! Now that I am out of school and have a full time job in my career field, I have finally become one of the many people who does not seem to find time to do the things I enjoy. The request for this commission was sent to me about two or so months ago. I had finally got around to finishing it last week. I feel so bad taking so long on this commission but when I get home after work and get situated I get about an hour to work on any drawings....that is if I don't have other things on top of my list to do. After a while of working or doing whatever, it is time for me to head off to the gym. By the time I get home and get ready for the next day it is time for me to go to sleep.
I am only home two-three nights a week if I am lucky. I spend the rest of the week at my boyfriends house. I could do some work there but he only has a lap top and him and his roommate are always on it. So it would be rude of me to hog it all to myself every time I am over. I really need to get a lap top so I can take my work with me where ever I go. Sadly I cannot afford one right now....not sure I ever will to tell the truth.
Well any how enough with all the bitching. It is almost time for me to head off to the gym. Luckily I have a late start at work tomorrow so I don't have to go right to bed.
Enjoy the new art!!!! ^_^


Anonymous said...

Nice new picture! ahh...cant wait till you open your commission again, cant wait to see more! Dont overwork yourself, have fun :D

Anonymous said...

How's it going?! Glad to see you're still drawing. Congrats on the new job. Don't feel rushed to post something...we can wait. Take care!

Saru said...

Congratz on your job. I love this piece! :3

FMX said...

Thanks everyone for the comments!

FancyLad said...

Grats on your job! I've got an idea for your next commission. =)