Friday, December 26, 2008

A Look at the new Sentury

Here is a screen capture of the new Sentury. I took off all his cloths, for one reason being he looks hot naked and also because he is still a low level and I have yet to get any cool looking costumes.
At the moment he is a level 15 Paladin.

I often make a back story for my online characters. I don't know if anyone else does this or I am just a bigger dork then I first thought. Since this Sentury is on a different game from the original one I had to pretty much remake his back story and personality. Here is a little insight to this sexy Blood Elf.

Sentury is quite the free spirit compared to a lot of his fellow Blood Elves. He is often getting in trouble with his elders and does not follow rules well. He has been studying to become a great Paladin and has great amount of natural talent to become a strong warrior but Sentury is quite lazy and he would rather eat and sleep under a tree then train. Sentury tends to come off as an over confidant and cocky guy. But behind close doors he is very self conscious and lonely. He often feels like a black sheep among the other elves.

One day after having enough of the other Blood Elves rules and criticism, Sentury decides to leave SilverMoon to explore the rest of the lands. Being as naive as he tends to be he ignores the warning of dangers from the other elves and goes on alone. Sometime after his journey begins he is ambushed by a group of humans. He was no match for them and was severely injured and almost killed. Luckily at the last minuet he was saved and rescued by the Hunter Draenei Zenocide.(info on his coming soon.)

Zenocide hides Sentury and tends him back to health. Sentury resents Zeno because he is for sure he is an enemy because of his association to the Alliance. He often tries to attack Zeno and runaway. But because of Zeno's size and strength and Sen's injury's he fails miserably.

After being nursed to health Sen starts to realize his miss conceptions of Zeno and the Draenei. He starts to realise Zeno's kindness. The two decide to travel together and not soon after Sen finally realises that he has fallen in love with Zeno.

Isn't that just so sweet. The two become a couple, ignoring the obstacles that their races and war with the Alliance and Horde has set between them.

(Bootie Shot!)


FancyLad said...

Looks good FMX!

Drop by Eredar on Horde to say hi sometimes, I'm Marck; we have a pretty strong gay guild going.

FMX said...

Awesome! Is Eredar your server? I am on Echo Islands.

FancyLad said...

Yep I'm on Eredar, drop by sometime or I'll pop on Echo Islands =)

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, I have back stories for all of my characters too. so you are not nerdy or anything...unless that just makes us both nerdy....

Most of which involve cross faction...or at least race lovin...

Wow...I just realized how many I have too...

Undead priest X Human Pally

Undead warrior X Human Priest

Human Mage X Dreanei Pally
(And their adopted kid is a Dreanei and a Toll 1/2 breed)

Night Elf Rogue X Blood Elf Rogue

And Orc Warrior X Dreanei Shamen (My only gay couple.) The warrior is actually an NPC named Grek found in outland...I just thought he was adorable and had to use him.

>.> I seriously need to find better uses for my time.

Anyways...Love the story for the characters. Can't wait to see the Dreanei!